Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It's that time of year again...

Hope Johnny McCain takes all his meds before Friday's Presidential debate. I actually like McCain, but he seems to have made some Faustian deal with the devil or is it Karl Rove...

I don't know why the pundits think America will have trouble electing a black prez, from what I see Barack is whiter than I am and I'm pretty pasty...sort of the Derek Jeter deal...

I'd like to see a Keith Olbermann, Sean Hannity steel cage match...

Which is more disheartening for New York baseball fans, the old decrepit Yanks or the death spiralling Metsies? I think I'll do a doorman survey.

Can Joe Biden take that bear-wrestler Palin? Hope so.

Go Sawwx!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

my mistakes were made for you - the last shadow puppets

a voice... a vibe... and some strings...

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

a hard rain's gonna fall...

I don't know about you but those shots of Sarah Palin sitting on her sofa with a bearskin thrown across its back are just mildly disconcerting...her creationist beliefs make her a fitting candidate to take the White House intellectual mantel from G.W. - a man who never met a three syllable word he couldn't mangle...When they say, and they will, that Sarah has a nice rack, they'll be referring to the antlers on the last moose she shot and mounted on her living room wall...

Has Obama chosen a campaign song? Maybe something by the Isley Brothers would know black but not too black...

I can't see electing a prez who's a full 7 years past the retirement age of a high school custodian or a school bus driver...the USA is one big bus with no power steering...

I miss Manny Ramirez talking on a cell phone in the Big Green Monster, but that's about it for Manny...

Who died and elected Cold Play U2?

Saw the season premiere of the "Shield" last night...Mr. Chiklis has sure come a long way since "The Commish"...

Gotta go, Mike Huckabee is going to explain to for the 28th time how Intelligent Design works...