Friday, March 03, 2006

let's launch this monkey!

Some random thoughts...

I'm a lifelong Bosox fan stuck in NYC surrounded by puffed up Yankee fans gloating over the prospects of their latest edition of a checkbook baseball team. Disappointment looms in the Apple (for Red Sox fans it's a lifestyle choice).

Also, Johnny Damon is dead to me. Looks like the Damons have the same hairdresser.

Note the Bon Jovi meets Goo Goo Dolls haircut.

On a more painful note:
I've got gallstones and it ain't pretty. I can only consume all the "low" and "non" stuff on the menu and I've got to wait three weeks to get the offending bladder removed. Can't drink, no coffee, no dairy, no fat and everywhere I go in the streets I'm confronted with people carrying pizza boxes- big ones, individual ones, and stacks of the ain't pretty! Can't wait to gorge myself on high cholesterol, low-fiber crap foods so I can blow up like a giant piƱata.

Check out these gallstones next to the first cell phone ever made. They're strangely remniscent of swedish meatballs.

Having to sit here today watching bad movies on TV has made it blatantly obvious how empty, shallow and pointless contemporary existence can be. I wish I could just get up out of the Barcalounger and do something productive but this big vat of cheesedoodles in my lap prevents all meaningful movement - just a dream.

Gotta go!


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