Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Warning Political Rant: presidential choice

Ever get the feeling you're stuck on a merry-go-round devoid of political choice? On one side are the "the ends justify the means" Republicans saddled with the Bush administration's screw-ups facing off with the cynical, unlikeable Hillary Dems saddled with old Bill C.'s indiscretions, while both sides rely on the poll numbers to determine which way to yank on the leash of their traditional constituencies.

John McCain, the former maverick Republican asks Straw Poll voters to vote for G.W., what's my man thinking? Mitt Romney, Republican gov of my birth state, Massachusetts (Rep. Gov of the biggest Blue State of them all...oye vey), looks good in a suit but I don't feel the love. Senate Majority Leader, Bill Frist looks like the same old deal and won't play on either coast...John Kerry, Joe Biden, John Edwards, Newt Gingrich, been there- done that...George Pataki, just check out my NYS tax bill, lord help us...Mark Warner - sorta looks right...but I think we just haven't looked under the hood, go through the guard rail on the left try Russ Feingold, on the right check out Dick Cheney. Rudy gonna jump on this mystery train, oh, but he's Catholic...
My gallbladder hurts,
Galli out


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