Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Testicular Fortitude, Doug Mirabelli and more...

Nuggets of neurological activity....

Red Sox redemption...Sox throttle Yanks 7-3 and my latent Sox paranoia is receding like my hairline...and back-up catcher Doug Mirabelli is back...sweet

What's up with the immigration movement? Changing the words to the National Athem...don't they know Bill O'Reilly is going to just hate this...bad strategic move for the movement.

What's the deal with Bolivia?
While I was focused elsewhere they have become little Havana and are trying to shake-down mult-national oil companies and nationalize their oil production. Another problemo for our oil consuming economy and in our hemispere and I mean "our"...

Apple just signed new contracts with the record labels to keep selling Itunes for .99. This being viewed as a defeat for the record co's...a defeat is me logging in to Limewire and downloading all the Englebert Humperdink my harddrive can hold...

This Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska has always been a pain in my ass...it started with him supporting shooting wolves from helicopters, his support of drilling for oil in protected national wildlife sanctuaries is just wrong and he's also the guy who stuck some pork in the Highway Bill to construct a $250 million dollar bridge to connect an isand of about 50 people to mainland Alaska to save them taking a 10 minute ferry...now the wacko Senior Senator is backing a horrible Television bill he's trying to sneak under the radar that would let cable t.v. companies gouge consumers with impunity and let Congress and the FCC control broadcast and digital product development...

I'm spent.


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