Monday, February 05, 2007

Let me get this right....

So the Senate decided that a non-binding resolution criticizing the President's Iraq war policy was too harsh and was repudiated in a vote that failed to gain the 60 votes necessary to begin debate. Our brave public servants rise to support the American public once again.

A good news story from Orlando. Seems one of our female astronauts drove 1,200 miles in diapers (to prevent the need to stop) with various weapons and gizmos intent on kidnapping a younger woman who had designs on a verile male astronaut. Talk about radar love. Lisa Marie Nowak, 43, is charged with attempted kidnapping after spraying her rival with mace. The married mother of three described her relationship with the male space traveler as more than work and less than romantic. Hmmmm.....I'd post the link but blogger won't let me cut and paste...just go over Drudge and check it out.

Saw Joe Kennedy doing an ad for Citgo and the Venezuelan oil discount for American consumers. What's next, Jeb Bush offering us discounts on Cuban sugar, cigars and beachfront property?

It's ironic that with all the global warming headlines plastered across the papers here in NYC, this town is experiencing a record breaking cold snap. While walking in midtown today it was so cold I lost all feeling south of my equator.



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