Saturday, February 03, 2007

back at the lava pit

I've been away from the Collar for awhile so expect some rust.

Let's rundown some topics:

Super Bowl - screw Peyton Manning. He's in way too many commercials. Let's call it the Paris Hilton effect. Next thing you know he'll be making a movie with Ashton Kutcher.

Joe Biden- I'm a little cranky this a.m. so lay off my man Joe. He's got the best plan for Iraq and actually knows where most of the countries in the world are located which qualifies him as our leading expert on foreign policy. If he had used the "clean" adjective in reference to Hillary C. maybe he would have skated on this one. If he's said something like "the clean lines of the Senator from New York's pantsuit set her apart from the other candidates on the dais" he'd still be a viable candidate.

Roger Clemens - retire already. Any team other than Houston that hires this guy is denegrating itself. He's the only major league ballplayer that makes his own hours. He's ruining my America, but that's another list.

Robert Dinero - The guy's now a director. His movies are getting better though long (The Good Shephard ) and Scorcese's are getting a little worse (The Departed) though long - I predict they will meet in the middle and merge. We don't need both of them.

Dick Cheney - Dickeroo is obviously suffering from something along the lines of irritated bowl syndrome or a similar affliction...maybe shingles or something. His infirmity is obviously compelling him to lashout - with the next obvious target being Iran. Can Congress stop this? Maybe get him a laxative or something. Send Scooter to the pharmacy right away. Just a thought.

Didn't get to:
Cartoon Channel (did those things actually look like bombs?)
Elliott Spitzer
Steve Mcqueen



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you posting again.

Best Regards,

11:50 PM  

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