Monday, December 04, 2006

Paltrow, Putin , Taco Bell and me...

Now I hate Gwyneth Paltrow as much as the next guy but her "the Brits are so much more sophisticated" drivel is so unimportant I don't know why I'm posting about it...I guess everyone's done with those Dixie Chicks.

Bush dumps another lump of coal, I mean U.N. Ambassador Bolton. If Bush dumps one more angry white man there'll just be no fun to be had at that White House Christmas Party this year...except the holiday comedy stylings of one Dick "Mistletoe" Cheney.

Taco Bell's new E.Coli Enchilada Plate...Just one bite and you're good to go..and go...and go...

Can I get a side order of polonium 210 with that burrito?

What do they do with Valery Putin if they prove he's been contracting hits? Cancel his visa?


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