Daisuke Matsuzaka
For a sum equal to the gross national product of Paraguay - the BoSox got their man. Will this end up a cautionary tale of over-hyped expectations, over-spending, and over reaching? We will find out. But, at the very least, the Sox brass has found a way to grab some headlines back from the Evil Empire and bring the warm glimmer of an optimistic spring training to the leafless New England landscape.
The new pet term at the White House regarding Iraq is, "that's a non-starter", a term usually used in reference to a "68" Buick LeSabre, last year's weed-wacker, or various pitchers working strictly out of the bullpen.
The new pet term at the White House regarding Iraq is, "that's a non-starter", a term usually used in reference to a "68" Buick LeSabre, last year's weed-wacker, or various pitchers working strictly out of the bullpen.
Thank you for renting blog space to me. I appreciate it.
Thank you for renting. I know this blog is an acquired taste that not everyone chooses to acquire.
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