Burn in Hellfire List III
I smell someone burning...
The Rev. Ted Haggard, who until Thursday was President of the National Association of Evangelicals and advisor to the Bush Whitehouse, has resigned over allegations of gay sex, drug use and infidelity. The Rev says he's stepping down to do his own investigation...I guess of himself...hmmm...
The producers of Lost, who killed off the beloved Mr. Ecko (beloved for Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje's portrayal of another shirtless, malevolent character on HBO's OZ). Agbaje is the latest character to be killed off for a bad driving...Way to go producers...a great way to manage those story arcs...
Senator George Allen who is circulating an email smearing his opponent, decorated war hero Jim Webb with this gem: "First, it was the Catholic priests, then it was Mark Foley, and now Jim Webb, whose sleazy novels discuss sex between very young teenagers." Nice, concise and to the point...
John Kerry, who's comedic stylings are causing such a contrived uproar. Somehow I think the Bush administration's undermanning and under-equipping our troops in Iraq is more of an insult to our armed forces than some Ivy League dipstick's bad joke...I guess that's just me....
Puff Diddy - wants to eventually play the black James Bond...please go away...Diddy you're starting to combust...
Brad Pitt - posed shirtless in his skivies and doesn't want the photo on the cover of Vanity Fair - come on Brad you dropped the trow now take the bow...
It was kinda sad to see Ecko go.
Should have killed Jack.
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