Thursday, November 16, 2006

Who's Mario Lopez?

In the seminal days of this blog, when things were going bad, I took some tough losses. My gallbladder went down and had to leave town, Johnny "he's dead to me" Damon signed with the evil empire and the BoSox jettisoned my boy, Bronson Arroyo to Cinci...but now the tide seems to be turning. The Sox have an opportunity to snag "Mad Dog Matsuzaka" (we'll work on the nickname), I've almost forgotten I had a gallbladder, that other guy is indeed dead to me and I can't tell you what hairstyle Bronson is sporting this fall. On to today's discharge...

Saw this article stating poppy production in Afghanistan is up 50% this year. We're spending $500 million tax dollars to erradicate the Afghanie drug trade and the problem is getting worse, much worse...and this was the first war we won in the "global war on terror".

On a totally unrelated note...I have to admit I never thought this "Dancing With Stars" thing would be a hit, particularly when they misuse the term "stars" to include Tucker Carlson, Monique Coleman and Mario "Saved by the Bell" Lopez. I guess America is just one voracious television watching machine. Unfortunately I couldn't break away from re-runs of "Bassmasters" to catch who won.


Blogger CyberCelt said...

Is that your gallbladder?

12:03 AM  
Blogger Galli Galli Sim Sim said...

It is a reasonable facimile. They wouldn't give me the real thing.

12:33 AM  

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