Sunday, October 19, 2008

more than a feelin'

On the cusp of one of the great sports comebacks of recent times I thought I'd drop a little love on this, my orphaned-child of a blog. The Bosox have proudly scratched and clawed their way back into a seventh game with the upstart Tampa Devil, I mean Rays. Will they triumph? What do the baseball gods portend for them? Who knows, but the journey to get to this epic place in time has bolstered Sox fan's loyalty and enriched the teams legacy once again. Baseball life is good...the rest of life could use a little work.

Some issues:
  • John McCain, the Captain Queeg of the Republican presidential ship, and his buxom first mate, Sarah Palin, somehow still possess the capacity to win this election. The choice between candidates couldn't be more diverse. Young against old, right against left, liberal against conservative and the clunker, black against white. If you've been listening to Mrs. Palin's campaign blather you can readily perceive the 'code' words and phrases that all seem to say, "this guy's not like us" meaning ... Johnny Mac has even started calling the Obama tax-the-rich plan "welfare". Nice touch maverick. Reminds me of my youth as a clunky skating hockey player (I gotta believe my 'hockey mom' would energetically reject the Palin association if she were still with us). I would resort to some chippy stick-work whenever some kid possessed the skating speed and skill I lacked. A little hook, trip and slash reduced the talent gap and quality of play issues to manageable proportions. That's the Karl Rove approach. Karl's trainees who are on the 'McCain train' take it one step further. They screech foul whenever they get put in the political penalty box for hitting their opponents in the nuts - a hypocritical behavior I proudly never pursued. Do your time and save your yapping for the face to face confrontations on the ice where these things should really be settled.
  • When did 'Joe Six-Pack' evolve into 'Joe The Plumber'? Any dope making less than 75K a year who swallows the 'everyman' bait from McPalin is cracking opening their PBR's with the wrong wrench.
  • At the cinema...Just saw Guy Ritchie's 'Rocknrolla' and I must say he has his mojo back after checking it at the door for five or six years while tethered to the over-muscled g-string of one Madonna, whose potential dalliance with A-Rod is an affront to all things American.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pass the Pabst Blue Ribbon... and toast America's baseball team as the finished their year.... too early.
Not as early as ugly cousin the Mets... -Big Papi. :)

9:42 PM  

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