Agents of Change

It's been awhile. My posting has fallen victim to my general holiday malaise, family responsibilties and my lack of coherent thought patterns...or maybe it was all that tryptophan.
Some road-kill:
Hillary is almost becoming a sympathetic character which doesn't bode well for Obama. Is it just me or is B.O. hitting the JFK bag of tricks just a wee-bit too often? Bill better watch the blood pressure and stick to his no-intern diet...
The Rocket may have added something to his fuel. If Roger were say, Barry Bonds, he'd already be serving time. The whole recording of the phone call to speak to the sick son thing adds a stanky layer of sleaze to Roger's steroid denials...
My Beantown Boys (Celts, Sox, Pats, not so much Bruins) have almost shaken me out of my funk. I wish the NHL would go back to 'old-time' hockey when men were men, i.e. fighting, and hat-tricks were accomplished by individual players - not a whole team. Maybe tightening the immigration laws would help.
Where's Al Gore? Is he in the edit room somewhere cutting that Pygmy Rabbit doc?
The Presidential Primaries feel like a bad espisode of "Lost". You just feel so manipulated.
I think we need another TV dance show. My latest concept, "Dancing With the Guys on the Nightshift", kind of a blue collar, guy-on-guy thing...
I'll pay $5 to anyone who takes out Dr. Phil...
Can anyone explain why Britney Spears appears to drive around all night in low-end American-made shit-boxes with no apparent goal other than to create havoc? Most wacked-out celebs send the under-paid assistant out for the Slim Jims, Red Bull and mancandy.
I'm back to appreciating John McCain. He's going down but it will be a glorious fight...just no prepared speeches please.
I think Rudy G. is going to need to call in a bomb threat or something to kick-start his campaign. Anybody got Bernie Kerak's phone number...
Prediction: Pat's 34 - Jags 13
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