has anyone seen bobby bonds? I think barry ate him
Cracked.com has a nice riff on Secret Scientologists, Beck my man...
Went to Mets game last night and a "We Hate Barry Bonds" meeting broke out. People love to kick a superstar when they think he's down (Barry doesn't acknowledge he has a problem). Also see Rodriguez - ARod - who seems to hit better on the road if you know what I mean...
Anybody seen John Edwards this week? Howz the hair look? Can this $400 haircut thing really decide a presidential election? $400 is a drop in the bucket in the context of $250 million dollar Bridges to Nowhere and $400 billion dollar wars...
Did Bill really cheat on Hillary? I mean really? Except for Obama who really cares?
Deep political analysis has revealed the pantsuits are more of an issue for me...
I love Rudy but why do I think he'll try to enforce some kind of a jay-walking ordinance in Bagdad as his first move to secure the Green Zone.
Red Sox looking pretty tasty. NYC may have to go to some group counselling kind of deal if the Yankee's plunge continues...
When will America wake up and just throw GW's ass out of office? Are we just this oblivious?
NYC's taxi fleet is going green. Ford hybrids. Like buying organic produce from Wal-Mart...oh that's been tried...
Somebody wake me when the NBA playoffs are over...
Let's get Al Gore into the presidential sweepstakes...there I said it.
Anybody seen my golf game?
Now that Dancing With the Stars is over I can get back to blogging...
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