Wednesday, April 04, 2007

the beginning of the end...

Let's just get a couple of things out of the way right from the get-go. Curt Schilling did lose his opening day start but contrary to everyone in Boston's confirmed belief he is not on the fast track to oblivion. Schill will be fine.

Speaking of doing just fine...John Edwards seems to be pretty much a viable candidate for the Democratic nomination. If the guy wins a couple of early primaries he may get the "he kinda looks like a Kennedy" buzz and look-out!

I think Barack got in a little early which could make him passe before a vote is even cast.

If the guy from Law and Order becomes a Republican front-runner America is in more trouble than already advertised.

Even the loyal "Bushies" are starting to waiver...

Can someone please kill network television before American Idol and Dancing with the Stars merge into one giant blackhole of vacuous marketing emptiness and swallow the universe...

A shoutout to that guy who is dead to me. Playing for the Yankees is not the same as chillin with's just a sad, sad state of affairs.



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