Friday, March 02, 2007

waiting on the gyro-ball

I just know this is on everyone's mind, should we start putting tariffs on Chinese goods to protect our own manufacturing jobs and middle class? Free trade is a Reagan/Bush economic policy staple - but the playing field has changed. Walmart is pushing all this cheap Chinese crap at low "always on sale" prices to an American consumer who doesn't realize he's cutting his own economic throat. China already holds the mortgage on America, let's stop financing our own demise and start protecting our own workers. China can steal our designs, pour unadulterated sh%* into the environment and exploit the hell out its workforce so screw them. There, I am now an official protectionist, isolationist, libertarian, be it!

Now on to more vital issues of national importance...Manny is happy to be a Red Sock, write it down and file it for later review (say when he asks to be traded later today). Dice-K looks good and keeps smiling, so all is well in the Red Sox Nation.


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