Friday, February 16, 2007

the politics of dancing

Al Gore just said he is not running.

I think I need another dose of Anna Nicole Smith news...another 36 hours, give-or-take, should do it. It'll give me something to watch while I work in the methlab.

Whatever happened to Condi Rice? Isn't she running for prez as the Republican Obama? Guess a little thing called war derailed that train...

Anybody watch the Grammys? How can the Chilli Peppers still be the most subversive act on the show? Those guys have a lot of kharma or something... The Police looked like they were each playing in a different band, sort of the anti-Chilli's. Talk about cashing in. Roxanne is now officially a crackhead street hoe...the Dixie Chicks, really? Anyone in NYC listening to the Dixie Chicks right now should jump in their car...or hijack the nearest cab and drive themselves directly into the East!

Who's the biggest asshole in America...just wondering? Some of my ideas, Ted Haggard, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Jamie Fox, David Spade, Rush Limbaugh, Tony Snow or the guy who writes Studio 60...

Go Red Sox - go Big Papi


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