Tuesday, February 27, 2007

postpartum depression

The Oscars went as planned. Forest Whitaker took best actor, leaving that quintessential thespian and moviestar, Peter O'Toole, without the best actor award he so richly deserves. If you saw "Venus" you'd know O'Toole wouldn't have won just to "give the big O to the guy who's about to die". The man gave a staggering performance.

Speaking of staggering performances...is Britney still in rehab?

Why is Al Gore not a viable presidential candidate? Hilly is too stern and has a big suitcase full of no-no's and Barack is, though a great concept, in reality an inexperienced first term senator fresh from the Illinois state legislature. Let Barack fill-out and put on some weight politically before we crown him king. Look out for John Edwards if he wins a couple of primaries. I put $2 on him in the Presidential Derby Futures wager.

How badly does commercial television suck? People now talk about their hi-def flat-panel tv's instead of what they watch. I feel like a beaten-down, eyes glazed over customer at Circuit City when people start professing the dominance of their home entertainment systems. Get a life.

Now I hear that the Iranians are plotting to blow-up NYC. Should I start packing or just wait for G.W. to bomb them back into the stoneage...didn't the war in Iraq get the same set-up back in 2002?

Dick Cheney left the country...somebody lock the door.


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