Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I think something's stuck to my shoe....

Guns have been drawn in the Democratic race for the presidential election. Obama's boy, David Geffen, trashed the Clintons and Barack failed to rein him in. On team Clinton, supporter Robert Ford, a state senator from South Carolina - questioned whether a black candidate like Barack might drag the whole party down with him in defeat. Senator Ford is black which further complicated this whole mess. Maybe we can call in Flav-O-Flav to cast a tie breaking vote on this one.

Saw the 'other' Howard Stern lieing on the stand today...can't we just put him in jail and avoid all legalize..oh I forgot, Court TV needs the programming.

Poor Britney is being driven insane by the paparazzi. I know if I had 30 or 40 mil I would see no reason not to drive myself down to the local Super Cuts for a trim. Why wouldn't I be able to zip over to the nearest tbodega for a 40 oz if I wanted one with every expectation of privacy? K-Fed is now the role model. Oye!

Dick Cheney is not satan. Just an everyday CEO.

Global warming is deforesting the top of my polar icecap.

Spring training has started. Somebody call Manny.

A-Rod and Derek are not sleeping together anymore. Just thought you'd like to know.


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