tastey small cakes
Michael Moore was going to be the lone guest on Larry King last night to promote his flick "Sicko" and discuss the health-care crisis - he got bumped by Paris Hilton...
Congress is moving toward acknowledging that global warming exists...Could someone rotate my organic yams on the solar cooker?
Live Earth's NJ concert set design will include 900 recycled tires imported from Australia and outfitted with low energy LEDs...just how far were those things shipped?
The Yankees are slowly sinking into the swamp of irrelevancy.
Anne Coulter is doing a really bad Buddy Hackett. I like nasty humor as much as the next individual but it starts with being funny...
On a related topic...Mr. John Edwards must learn that having his wife fight his battles doesn't buttress his "tough on terrorism" street cred.
Why can't I remember to take my reusable bag to the Food Emporium when I go to buy Cheetos? It's tough to change behaviors (see two party system).
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