Saturday, April 08, 2006

Intelligent Design

Intelligent design is one of those things I kind of ignore because it seems so ridiculous. The recent discovery of a creature that provides the evolutionary, water-land link has prompted the usual debate between the devout believers in the "all God's creatures walked the earth together" crowd and the science/evolution bunch (ever been to the Museum of Natural History - might provide a clue). Intelligent design is obviously anything but and it's interjection into school board and curriculum discussions violates the spirit of the Separation of Church & State provisions in the Constitution. I guess the idea that we evolved from fish, never mind chimps, is a tough one to swallow for the Christian right and just like global warming it's better to deny, deny, deny, (Iraq) than face the truth.


Blogger Kal said...

Actually, I thought I.D. allowed for evolution, as it was all designed by God to come up with creation's ultimate goal; humans.

So ID folks wouldn't necessarily disregard this finding as contrary to their beliefs, but would figure it was all part of God's plan.

(which is kind of circular reasoning, isn't it)

7:58 AM  
Blogger Galli Galli Sim Sim said...

The issue is much more complex than I have presented. I.D. theory goes back to the ancient Greek philosohpers but but now is primarily used as a theory to debunk or refute natural selection as the sole explanation of evolution. Ironically, I guess I.D. has undergone it's own evolutionary process. Bottom line I was being a little reactionary in this post without doing all my hopework, being an East-Coast elite and all...
See Link Below

8:12 AM  

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