Red Sox
Curt Shilling put up some nice numbers today in shutting down the hard hitting Rangers and I'm feeling like I really didn't need that gall bladder after all...
Some things Red Sox:
Terry Francona had to leave some room for criticism by sending Schill out for an ego soothing seventh inning up by five runs, some things never change...We got Wily Mo, Coco (who made a very nice over the shoulder grab late), Big Papi (hit a bomb), Manny with a new, Burning Spear-hairdo, a shiny new bullpen with the exception of the dangerously shaky Mr. Foulke and a world of sunshine surrounding the coming season.
Difference between a Sox fan and a Yankee fan, the Sox fan hopes for the best and oft times gets a faceful of the worst...the Yankee fan feels entitled to championship because...God Dammit we paid for it! You can't really enjoy victory until you've had it ripped from your grasp a few times like a diseased gall bladder, it's all about the extremes...but I digress...
Some things Red Sox:
Terry Francona had to leave some room for criticism by sending Schill out for an ego soothing seventh inning up by five runs, some things never change...We got Wily Mo, Coco (who made a very nice over the shoulder grab late), Big Papi (hit a bomb), Manny with a new, Burning Spear-hairdo, a shiny new bullpen with the exception of the dangerously shaky Mr. Foulke and a world of sunshine surrounding the coming season.
Difference between a Sox fan and a Yankee fan, the Sox fan hopes for the best and oft times gets a faceful of the worst...the Yankee fan feels entitled to championship because...God Dammit we paid for it! You can't really enjoy victory until you've had it ripped from your grasp a few times like a diseased gall bladder, it's all about the extremes...but I digress...
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