Sunday, April 02, 2006

Opening Day

The planets are aligned, spring has sprung, the trees are beginning to get leaves, it's allergy time, anything is possible, both good and bad. The time has come for baseball fans to cast off the realities and disappointments of their day to day lives and dream of what might be. The devil's Yankees have an awesome lineup capable of scoring an avalanche of runs at any time and a pitching staff filled with the volatile combo of question marks and grandmothers just as capable of giving all those runs back. Randy "Father of the Year", Johnson is filling up the New York papers with his own take on Born Again Christian, fatherhood, love and responsiblity, as he sues his illegitimate daughter's mom to recover child support - the devil's work. The line-up features reformed steroids poster boys Gary Shef and Jason G, as well as Judas-Johnny Damon -- what's to love?

Up in Beantown, the forces of good, have a line-up filled with Manny and Big Papi, Coco, Wily Mo and some questions of their own, but it's all about love. For comic relief they have an unhappy, ancient Yankee mariner of their own (David Wells) who's 40"+ waste line matches the age on his birth certificate. Hope remains strong that the potential brilliance of Josh Beckett and Jon Papelbon will overshadow the latent Yankee tendencies of the "Boomer" and get him back on the Lord's path while the bullpen finds its way.

It's Opening Day of the baseball season, so change the oil on the lawn mower, trim those hedges, tune out the boss, turn up the provincial animosities, smell the roses and settle in for a long, thirst-quenching season of baseball.


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