Tony Snow, Hideki Matsui and other injuries...
On the Washington scene former Fox attack dog, Tony "Foxie Lady" Snow, is taking shots at various "liberal" news outlets. This behavior had to be anticipated when the President chose the loudmouth Fox newsman to patrol the press room.
Ironically this next item comes from Fox News...Universal is being fined $12 million Buckeroo Banzai's for its payola practices, including, rigging the voting on that other corruptor of teens MTV's horrible TRL to promote crappy musical acts like Lindsay Lohan.
On a more sobering note...the Yanks lost to the Sox last night, 5-3, but the greater loss was the injury to Hideki Matsui's wrist, an injury that could have implications for the rest of the season. I think I'm getting a little weepy...Sox in first, Yanks with injuries (Gary Sheffield hurt his contract) and Wily Mo Pena is dancing in centerfield at Fenway this weekend...oh for the arts I breath!
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