Thursday, June 01, 2006

NYC...The Front Lines

I just reviewed the budget summary for Homeland Security. NYC has been cut back by 40% and, though the entire budget was cut, this is a disproportionately high percentage versus other cities (large and small). The New York Post, that bastion of liberal thought, has a nice breakdown of the details. The way it works is that the chair of the Homeland Security Appropriations Committee, Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) gives $9 mill to Louisville (a rising target on all terrorist screens) and gives the shaft to NYC, the target of the two largest terrorist attacks of all time and a destination on all terrorist travel and vacation agendas. Politics as usual is getting a little tired here in The Big Apple and unfortunately you won't hear much out of dearest Hillary who is running for prez and must carefully stroke the far right and move to the middle like any good political hack should. As somebody who witnessed first-hand the burning towers the morning of 9/11 as I exited the subway in Chelsea, I have to say those images and the smell that lingered in the city streets for the next week make this travesty all the more appalling. Let's hope the fall elections clean out some of the pork barrel crowd and don't just replace them with their twins from the other party.

Go Red Sox,


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