Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Madonna...Big Papi and The Da Vinci Code

Sox win (beat Yanks 9-5...sweet) and Big Papi drives in a couple of runs and points skyward to thank the lord. Madonna climbs up on a giant crucifix during her latest concert prompting the Catholic Church to protest her hijinks. Does Papi think God is involved with every home run he hits and what about those ground outs? Madonna always throws a bunch of stuff at her audience to get headlines as she kicks off a tour knocking the likes of baby-dropping Brittany out of the tabloids to sell some more tix. The good lord is everywhere and everybody is cashing in. The Da Vinci Code has people thinking the movie has some connection to reality and is an affront to the scriptures. Every protest makes money on both sides.

I remember when hard working Catholics gave the church a disproportionate chunk of change on Sunday and worked hard the rest of the week in peace, pay to play...oh for the good old days. Ralph Kramden never praised the lord. "To the moon Alice..."


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