Friday, June 02, 2006

A Question for the Blogosphere

I started this blog when I was laid-up with a faulty gallbladder, an encounter that turned out badly for both the organ involved and moi. After passing through that dark chapter in my medical history I blogged along indifferent to some of the most basic blogging knowledge and protocals, oblivious and serene. I still use the lame original template supplied by Blogger when I launched this blog - never having taken the time to learn how to customize the template in any real, impactful way.

Now after dabbling in Blog Explosion and similar sites I have seen many things, sampled many a blog and now have a couple of questions. First question concerns blog-title banners and art. I have noticed a growing proliferation of retro, fifties style art appearing on blogs, primarily women's blogs, in which cartoon renditions of tiny wasted women with beehive hairdos stand in 1950's tableaus with small dogs, cats, planes and such. Where does this art come from? Is there an endless supply of talented female illustrators out there feverishly working on their blog designs and why are the women depicted in the art so dramatically different in appearance from the photos and personal descriptions of the blogger/authors themselves? Is this all about positive self-image, or maybe just having which case maybe I should put a Matthew McConaughey picture up (see above)as part of my blog title? I will explore misleading photos, pet photos and other psychologically disturbing blogger phenomenon when I run out of ideas for a post in the future.


Blogger Chandira said...

Oh, I hear you!

I have the basic blogger template too, with a few minor tweaks, as I don't know html and am learning as I go.

No weird wasp-waisted women for me. That's not who I am. I feel secure enough as a woman not to do that. I think most women do over the age of 30.
I did, however, post a 'Southpark me' a while ago I found at somebody's site that seemed a more apt physical representation.. lol

2:40 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

That's weird that you say that...
I was thinking the same thing
What's with that??

And I think YOU SHOULD put the Matthew McConaughey pic on the blog title It gives it that little something special!!!!!

It's Slack!

Slacks = Pants
Slack = Lacking Concern


7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question. I'd love that on my blog.

Wait, I'm a dude. Nevermind.

8:41 PM  

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