Thursday, June 22, 2006

Warning - Political Rant - Quagmire

John Kerry has spoken and he wants a schedule. He should have just stapled a "Kick my Sorry Ass" sign to his liberal derriere and sidled up to Karl Rove's size 10's. "Cut and Run" is the war cry and while you're at it let's buttress Dick Cheney's flagging reputation for telling the truth by unearthing some stanky-assed WMD's from the "Saddam Hussein - The Early Years" collection and have that esteemed butt-floss, Rick Santorum try to get some cheap press to help his flagging re-election campaign while we're at it. It ain't over until the last Humvee is torched and the last insurgent takes his shot. If we're gonna do this thing right stop cutting equipment and manpower numbers to our troops, deploy every available man and let's fight this thing all over again, from scratch, with the military calling the shots -- and not some fat-assed, draft-dodging bureaucrat with a pie chart in one hand, a fist-full of lobbiest cash in the other and two round trip tickets to the British Open courtesy of Halliburton in his back pocket making our military decisions...


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