Friday, June 09, 2006

A River Runs Through... My Living Room

This week I am up in the hills fighting the good fight at the bunker. We have been inundated with rain and actually sprung a leak on our upper-most window. I got up on the 40' ladder to purvey the caulking challenge and realized that I no longer have the cohonas for this kind of thing...get the roofer.

On a more lucrative front, I had bought a bamboo fly rod at auction for less than a c-note a couple of years ago. I am an occasional fisherman but have not taken up the more sophisticated pursuit of fly-fishing (a rich man's excuse for more expensive gear) so I decided to put the rod up on Ebay. The first 6 days of the 7 day auction the thing wallowed around at about 275 Millars, but on the seventh day it arose from the dead in the final two minutes of the auction and jumped up well over a grand...a splendid topping to my birthday week. Must be some of that Kobe Karma.

A shout out to the pilots who nailed Mr. why didn't we capture the dude who was in an isolated house in the middle of nowhere...did somebody say press release...and thanks to the U.S. Senate for killing that gay marriage Constitutional Amendment. We have faced the "attack on Christmas", the "attack on Easter" and now the most insidious affront to Christian belief...the "attack on marriage" and we as a nation still this inspired state I think I'll go out and take in some of that fine American mountain air...uh, maybe not, it's raining again...



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