
The North Koreans pump a couple of missiles into the Sea of Japan and we get all bent out of shape and enter into six-way talks and sanctions which might postively impact a sane leader but have the opposite effect intended on the Korean Michael Jackson who will eat caviar while his populace starves. Bush gets tough, the Korean people get even thinner, and Pol Pot or whatever his name is gets a new pair of Gucci shades and puffs his little chest up even more...this will get much worse before it get better...relying on China to intervene is just delusional unless we look the other way on copyright infringement on the next Jessica
Simpson CD or something of that magnitude...
More importantly, Manny Ramirez will not play in baseball's All-Star game because of a sore knee (its sore a week in advance). Just leave my Manny alone...he is red hot even if he can't say for sure which knee is sore (it could be Big Papi's) let'im hit...
What's up with Fourth of July fireworks displays? Every year they have to be bigger, louder, more spectaculaaaaar. Seen one you've seen'em all. Let's get a fresh spin on the Fourth...fire Revolutionary War era artillery at the audience...or exchange bottle rockets at 50 paces..do something to change the dynamic and kick the celebration of the Fourth back up where it belongs...
Any coincidence that oil prices hit the new high of $75 a barrel on the biggest driving weekend of the year...it's not like they pump it out of the ground and into my car, there is a lag there...
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