Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Click on my new renter, AEOWOLF ONLINE, for witty blather with a U.K. twist...he even has our tasteful color scheme. What's not to like?


Blogger Aeowolf said...

Thanks for putting me up for the week. I'll keep the music down, be in by 11 and pop the keys through the letterbox when I leave. As a New Yorker, how realistically do you think the city is depicted in series like Rescue Me (isn't Dennis Leary brilliant?)Sex in the City and CSI NY? Hopefully better than when American shows and movies come over to England. Or rather, London, as it seems the rest of the country doesn't exist (See things like King Ralph, Garfield 2, practically any US show that has a "let's send the cast to England epsiode". On second thoughts, don't. You've been nice to me so far and I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy....)

5:36 PM  
Blogger Galli Galli Sim Sim said...

You are very welcome. Don't worry about the music, as long as you don't "fancy" our American swill. A little Jon Bon Jovi can go a long way to creating a homicidal tenedency. As far as an accurate portrayal of NYC I would rate the shows you mentioned thusly.
#1 Rescue Me - has the nasty, no frills urgency of the town down, with a little too much emphasis on DL's manhood...but he is the writer/exec. producer etc.

#2 CSI NY - Have to admit I like the Vegas cast better and watch this on infrequently. Could have been shot in Canada, but they do have the lighting down.

#3 Sex in the City - Vacuous and pretentious beyond belief this show made NYC out to be a metrosexual playground devoid of anyone not in a designer suit or accessorized to the hilt. Chick crap.

Hope you enjoy your stay.

7:38 PM  

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