ten things killing my America...

10. Jamba Juice
9. Mega monopolies. They're everywhere. Sucking up and everything in their path, facilitated by every Republican from Reagan to Bush...their pockets filled with cash.
8. Contemporary music. Clay Aiken and Fergie. Enough said.
7. The Iraq war. Let's fight terror over there instead of over here. Create thousands of Jihadists to help stop terrorism...it's a plan...
6. Reality TV.
5. MTV
4. Dane Cook. Keep this lame-ass, no talent, dipshit outta my way....
3. Katie Couric. See Dane Cook....
2. Evangelical Christians, if only because they support George Bush and several other facist, Nazi, purveyors of hate and intolerance...the real Axis of Evil....
1. Branding. Everything is about the brand. Wear that Abercrombie and Fitch you brainless fashion whores...slap on those Geox shoes and the latest handbag, stick your fingers down you throat and barf-up some of that good old American culture while you drop a couple of pounds so you can squeeze into those Juicy jeans....
Whew, now that that's done I can go back to watching NFL Football and eating my Kraft Mac & Cheese.
2 & 3, totally agree with you. But what's the beef with Jama Juice? That stuff is awesome!
I threw Jamba Juice in because it is the new Starbucks - not because of the quality of the product - but the quality of the trendy yuppies that frequent it.
I am with you. Its like everyone said, "hey, lets steal and lie and make as much money as we can, bankrupt the country, and leave debt our great-grandchildren will have to pay off."
Here for C&C Monday/Tuesday (LOL)
Haha. How true.
I think now I would include, "brawls in professional sports".
Or brawls in college sports...U Miami style.
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