Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Walk away with your winnings

Sitting here in NYC and watching some of yesterday's 9/11 memorial services and the president's speech last night I came to the realization that we, the people of NYC, are no more safe than we were prior to 9/11 and are probably at more risk than ever. We will all hear the Republican administration tell us that we haven't had a major terrorist attack on American soil in 5 years and credit their security measures and the war in Iraq as the major contributing factors. Well I have to admit that, now and again, I have been know to hit the craps and roulette tables of various gambling dens across this great land and if there is one thing I have learned from these endeavors it is to walk away from the table when you are up, cuz sooner or later the house wins, your luck runs out and you have to pay the man... So let's put our winnings in the bank , count our blessings, fortifiy our ports, airlines, nuke plants and borders and get on that bus out of Atantic City (Iraq) with the rest of the blue hairs and stop tempting fate...Let's not confuse luck and timing with expertise and planning.



Blogger Garth said...

'we haven't had a major terrorist attack in the last five years'
That's because they're all being perpetrated in the Middle East.
The war on terrorism is a lie.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we pull out of Iraq the terrorist organizations will move in. Better to help the nation build up so it can support itself as a democratic nation. The people there have voted and the new government is getting stronger and more support from the people.

We have accomplished much there and the MSM does not report it.

10:23 AM  
Blogger Galli Galli Sim Sim said...

Infrastructure in Iraq is still a mess, as it is in Afganistan. The indigenous population doesn't support our presence. Blame the news media for delivering the message. We either need more troops or a strategic redeployment that puts the Iraqi army in a larger role. The current approach in Iraq is a mismanaged, misguided mess.

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try reading this and see that things are improving in Iraq...

9:50 PM  
Blogger Galli Galli Sim Sim said...

Checked out your article which was written by an Army Sgt. Nice top of line stuff but not reality. Check out the link below for what is going on in Bagdad, not Fallujah, Bagdad.

10:01 PM  

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