Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Accentuate the positive...

I know I can be perceived to be a wee bit negative at times...sooo, in an effort to balance out both my kharma and approach I have decided to call this 'Let's Accentuate the Positive-Tuesday' and to endeavor to look at things from a more positive perspective. As we know in the blogoshpere, it's usually a good idea to start with a list. So here goes.

President Bush states that he's read 60 books this year. This number, though improbable, (to reach this total it would require something like two hours of reading a day from a man who has stated he doesn't even read the newspaper) at least shows he's aware of the issue and moving toward a solution, though that solution may include several pamphlets and flyers to help pad his total...this also points to his continued support of the "No Child Left Behind" education program... in this case the 'child' being him....

The Red Sox are out of the pennants race. The Sox demise has presented me with more spare time and an opportunity to read more books...

Tiger Woods has won 5 straight tournaments. Tiger has eliminated the market for anyone else's name on golf equipment, just think of all the ink and engraving costs the golf industry will save...

Looks like the Republicans may lose control of the Senate and maybe even the House in the upcoming fall election...no joke here...

Janet Jackson backs Hilary C for president. Don't know who this helps, or hurts, but at least she's shifted her support from Al Sharpton...I know I can always rely on Janet for the most astute political analysis...

more as 'Positive Tuesday' continues...


Blogger EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

As an author I am glad that GWB has read up to 60 books this year. And reading books is better than reading newspapers these days. Because anyone can even predict the news these days. Terrorists. Insurgents. Iraq. Afghanistan. Al Qaeda and blablabla. The same rehashed script since 9/11 and some interruptions of crime reports and celebrity scuttlebutt.Finis.

What does Janet Jackson know about politics?
So, Janet Jackson's political opinions are just like Kanye West's rantings after the Hurricane Katrina to sell his latest CD.

God still loves America.

10:47 AM  

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