What was that?
Jack Black the unfunniest host ever on the 10 seconds of the MTV Video Awards I watched. Al Gore got more laughs.
MTV does runs a great marketing machine. The boys from Jackass are trotted out as presenters to hype their new, highly evolved, Jackass #2, project...the Killers close the show because they have a new record coming out and "Puffy" is now "Diddy". I'd have more to say but I couldn't stomach the spectacle for more than a few tidbits (they also trotted out the little girl from "Little Miss Sunshine", it opens Friday)...
Is anyone waiting as breathlessly as I am for the next J Lo project....
All in all, a wretched marketing/branding spectacle, foisted once again, on the braindead youth of America...and Justin Timberlake is bringing back some sort of "Sexy" concept, the little twirp...the machine keeps printing money...
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