Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Not Tuesday...

'Positive Tuesday' is over so let's get down to business.

The Bush administration has now made the current 'appeasers' comparisons stretch into the appeasement of Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Boris Badenoff, Lex Luther, The Joker, Darth Vader and Wiley Coyote. Is this campaign really working?

Supernova has now become 'super-boring'.

Sox have won a couple, so hotdog and beer sales at Fenway will remain strong for a couple of more days...

Is Tom Cruise the devil...a short alien super-being...or just another lame star created by Hollywood's vast marketing machine who we should ignore and replace with the new Lassi or something?

Given his apparent lack of diplomatic skills, I think President Bush should challenge that Iranian Prez to a Texas Steel Cage Match and show the little terrorist twerp some Texas Steel Cage justice....

...and finally I hope they don't show the actual footage of 'The Crocodile Hunter's' demise...that I think, would be the final nail in the coffin of our civilization.


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