Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday Sermon

All hail Sunday...time to expell my weekly political gasball. Here's are some thoughts:

Are we frightened enough yet to vote Republican? One more speech by George W. and I'll have to make a special trip to my local Sam's Club for that 50 Pack of Depends.

What is up with the Pope? Maybe something was lost in the translation. If Catholics can't figure out what the hell their own Pontiff is saying, what are these Islamic wackos so upset about.... but really, what were he and his handlers thinking? This is Mel Gibson with a degree in theology weaving some confusing analogy from hell...and Islam...Islam is like an illiterate 4 year old with an insecurity complex exacerbated by hyper tension, a hair-trigger temper and no Ritenlin...a tantrum waiting to happen. They don't need facts just some crayons and an Uzi. Somebody whip up a bad cartoon to draw some of the car bombers away from the Popester...where's Salman Rushdie when we need him?

Does anyone know what the Dems are pushing other than "not Bush"? My man Joe Biden is definitely not getting enough face-time on network news.

Is Anderson Cooper traipsing around Afganistan really stirring up America? I think everyone, including Don Rumsfeld, would agree we are done with Kabul let's ignore the resurgent Taliban and maybe they'll go away.

What happened to that big lobbying scandal with Jack "the wack" Abramoff? Bob Ney is the only guy they got? God forbid somebody has oral sex somewhere in D.C. we can start a real investigation. Is there a rug big enough to sweep the stench of this one under?

The Bushies are still plotting to bomb Iran, oy.

It'll take me 40 minutes to get to Sam's Club. I hope I make it.


Blogger Irish said...

Joe Biden is the saving grace it appears...I saw him on Bill Maher a while back and he's a quick sonofabitch.

Good blog.

3:58 PM  
Blogger Galli Galli Sim Sim said...

I always hope Joe B can slip through the primary process but he never does.

5:08 PM  

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