Friday, September 15, 2006

Popeye, Spinach, E.Coli, T.V. news and moi...

Why is it that a 70 year old dude died from eating some bad spinach last week, dozens of people are sick and the national news agencies, and particularly television news, is just getting around to warning the nation...and why is it that when you flip from one local or national news program to another they will all be running the exact same story, be it fashion gossip, carjacking, child molestation whatever, within two minutes each other? Do television news producers call each other or email a list of stories complete with b-roll to all their competitors? Is this a conspiracy? Is big brother running all these t.v. news programs...hmmm that still doesn't explain Fox News...

Oh and can anybody i.d. the guy who's picture accompanies this post?


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