Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Losing traction

I think I'm losing mental traction...maybe it's the Sox slowly sinking in the east or overexposure to horrible television...I just can't put my finger on it, but I'm getting a little fuzzy. From that perspective here's some thoughts on the current television landscape...

Funny stuff: Colbert and Stewart are still rocking on Comedy Central. A lot of smart comedic stuff going on there.

No redeeming nutritional value: Anybody see Supernova last night? I gotta hope that the mean singer, Patrice, or the obviously- art-schooled Zayra, or the horribly named, Storm Large, get the boot. Overly-pierced, Dilana, still has the edge with skunk-haired Lukas a close second.

Worcester sucks: My man, Denis Leary (we're from the same hometown) is keeping the fires burning on "Rescue Me". Nasty, cynical, funny plot lines. His roomate is sleeping witha quasi-nun and it's affecting Denis's Catholic beliefs, which he violates himself almost constantly. Downside is that they have a "somebody's gonna die...cliffhanger, season ending episode" thing going...doesn't every show? Good cast and writing. You'd get a better grasp on Mr. Leary's dark humor if you experienced Worcester Mass. up-close and personally like we did.

Iambic pentameter: Deadwood is another well written, character driven deal with the great Ian McShare and his Al Swearengen character dominating the screen. David Milch is a genius writer and creative force (and a horseplayer). Give me "The Searchers" and a Deadwood boxset and I'll need no further human contact.

Disappointment resonates: Entourage
Vince can't act, Jeremy Piven is on-screen way too much (way to kill a good thing) and it looks like they have no idea where this thing is going. Vegas...a roadtrip for cast and crew with no apparent redeeming value for the audience. Losing traction...time to go boys.


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