This 'Collar" is feeling a little tight....
I wanted to post some light banter on the pathetic Red Sox and Supernova and my missing gallbladder but instead this came out...
Let's get this off my chest or ass or whatever.... propagating a civil war in Iraq is not effectively fighting terror. Getting our troops out of the hellhole in an organized, well planned and intelligent manner is not cowardice. Iraq is one small component of the war on terror (a terror base that did not exist under the Hussein regime...we drew them in like flies to a fetid carcass). Dick Cheney and his boys are going to be selling some swampland and it's called "cut and run" or "he's weak on terror". Why is to oppose this particular war brands you a cowardly- pinko-idealist, prone to emotional outbursts and irrational thought? Maybe just maybe, America has realized that some dipshit, dumbass, lying sack of shit politicians at the behest of some just out of the closet, draft-dodging, pussyboy neo-cons, got us into a conflict over oil, pride and/or arrogance justified by a sumptuous, steaming coil of lies.... that these same intellectually bankrupt, second generation losers, thought this war was going to be a walk-over... a glorious victory and testament to their place in history but...and it's a big "butt", this deal turned into a shit-storm from which there is no victory to be had. When has shear stupidity and incompetence become our standard for performance and a beaming emblem of our patriotism? Let's give Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Dick "my achey breakey heart" Cheney an M-16 and get their tired old, lying asses out there in the desert where the real patriots are.
On a related topic... know Joe Lieberman is in trouble when the Republicans start nominating him for sainthood...a Dick Cheney quote: "our adversaries, if you will, in this conflict, and the al Qaeda types--they clearly are betting on the proposition that ultimately they can break the will of the American people in terms of our ability to stay in the fight and complete the task." Mr. Rove your strategy has been revealed....oh, what about the detail that our continued occupation of Iraq (see Iraqui demonstrations this week) is a catalyst for terrorist activity and unrest... you know civil war...there are other alternatives for allocating our military resources than pissing it away getting our soldiers wacked by unseen IED's to establish a glowing democracy in a country that clearly doesn't want one. We should be securing our ports, forming strong cohesive alliances with our allies and honing our quick-strike military capabilities, taking the action to terrorists where they live in train (no not Iraq). Oh...and what is an "Al Qaeda type"?
Why is to oppose this particular war brands you a cowardly- pinko-idealist, prone to emotional outbursts and irrational thought? Maybe just maybe, America has realized that some dipshit, dumbass, lying sack of shit politicians at the behest of some just out of the closet, draft-dodging, pussyboy neo-cons, got us into a conflict over oil, pride and/or arrogance justified by a steaming coil of lies.... that these same intellectually bankrupt second generation losers thought this war was going to be a walk-over... a glorious victory and testament to their place in history but...and it's a big "butt", this deal turned inot a shit-storm from which there is no victory to be had. When has shear stupidity and incompetence become our standard for performance and a beaming emblem of our patriotism? Let's give Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Dick "my achey breakey heart" Cheney an M-16 and get their tired old, lying asses out there in the desert where the real patriots are.
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