The All Spin Zone...
I've always marvelled at the ability of rightwing talk radio and TV, Billy Bob O'Reilly and the like, to blather on an on about the lefto media bias, so...I have to admit I'm a little disappointed in their reaction to the Congressman Foley fiasco. The Drudge Report leads off with the giant headlines, "ABC Online Glitch Leads to Identity of Foley Accuser", not really English but takes a shot at the opposition and it has been up on Drudge for twelve long hours, an eternity in DrudgeVille. Drudge follows up with, "Famous IM Exchange Was With 18 Year Old", not bad when combined with "I was drunk at the time...", I was molested by the clergy, and that evangelical crowd pleaser, "I'm profoundly gay and capable of anything...". On the "Factor" Tuesday night the lower third on Foley identified him as (D-Fla) for the whole segment and that show is taped well in advance...with no oopsie we're sorry follow-up. Sean Hannity was on a group grope on Fox discussing "The Great Democratic Page Molestation Scandal of 1983", which I'm sure Sean remembers vividly from the headline in the New York Times which he quickly scanned in the 10 seconds or so his head was out from under the beer tap at that Beta Phi kegger back in the day. All in all, a rough week for the Republican Piety Party, family values and Instant Messaging. Oh, and by the way, there's this little civil war in Iraq going on...
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