Wednesday, October 11, 2006

It's been a while...

Been posting on my "good kharma" blog and neglecting my mutant, ill behaved, firstborn, the "Collar". If anyone's reading...sorry.

A few notes:

Gotta love the Foley scandal and its many permutations.

The whole Republican gay-subculture is a fascinating. What are all these dudes doing working for the Nazi Right? They are the big story here. The evangelofascists are going to burp up some chunks just thinking about all that gay sex and stay homo on election day...

Saw some Republican Rep from North Carolina get reemed by the usually soft-tossing, Wolfe Blitzer, for spreading the tale that the Demon Dems had prior knowledge of Foley's naughty IM's and timed their release to have maximum impact the fall elections. The poor schmuck could site no evidence of the devious Demo plot. Sir I believe you highly overestimate the Dems capabilities and thought processes.

This is going to be another deal where the culprit, Foley, didn't actually break any laws (the pages were probably of age when he finally nailed them) but the cover-up did. Sweet.

Nobody cares about the innocent, little, affluent pages...huddled at their laptops scouring the internet for porn to call their own...

On another front...don't we seem to have hard evidence of WMD's in North Korea, quite unlike Iraq, and yet we blather on about NK and will probably follow through without so much as a good spanking...


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