Monday, October 29, 2007

a blissful respite

The new boys of summer. I still haven't gotten my head around the 'Idiots of 04'. Wild fires are smoldering - isn't it a bitch when stars have to relocate. I hear Carrot Tops pad got singed. Is Hillary the next Bill? Will I ever see another striped bass? I see a love match in Britney and Tommy I right? Does the population of every country we are introducing to the tasty treat of Democracy have to hate our guts - is it something we do, who we are or are we all the secret love-childrens of Dick Cheney?
Manny is a 'Bad Man'. Ellen Degeneres loves and leaves more puppies than Pam Anderson on a long weekend. Is Bono playing weddings yet? Sorry it should have read Sting. The Knicks are going to play a more physical brand of defense this season, they practiced it around the team's offices groping secretaries and cheerleaders...
I don't care what anybody says, Alec Baldwin is one funny a-hole - talent shines through. Spice Girls are back - why? Just thinking of that Clash show at Bonds in Times Square back '81'. They don't make bands like that anymore...