Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Wickerman Hellfire Video

Here hot from my Hellfire Edit Facility is my Wickerman video shot this weekend exclusively on location at my bunker. This Halloween treat stars some of my degenerate relatives, including my lovely wife as the howling hellcat. Enjoy or burn in hellfire.

Monday, October 30, 2006


The last time I checked America was at the wheel of a creaking, wobbly old bobsled, rocketing down an icy slope through a blizzard of shit headed for a grey and shadowy oblivion - sporting an overly engorged man-tool, contact lenses with the wrong prescription and runny nose.

Mid-term elections next week.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Burn in Hellfire 2

The list:

Rush Limbaugh - the man actually accused Michael J. Fox of exaggerating his affliction. Rush is the last person to make mention of anyone going off their meds, given his rap sheet for illegal prescription drug abuse. Anyone who listens to his show is a giant dipshit.

Kenny Rogers - not because he cheated...because he got caught!

Ken Mehlman Chairman of the Republican National Committee - refuses to pull the racist attack ad against black Dem. Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr. in Tennessee, saying it is an independent expenditure...he wrote the check for it.

The Killers - for being an affront to all things fashionable. Many bands try to depart from the sound of their first hit album to show the vast expanse of their artistic talents. The Killers have taken it one step further and adopted a new look involving facial hair that strangely resembles some of the macho stlylings of the Village People...and I don't think they're being ironic...holy mother of Foghat!


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Just a couple of more things...

Yes Kenny Rogers had some pine tar type-splooge on his hand to help him whup them Cardinals, but that was only the first inning. The Cards are not World Series ready if that kind of thing is going to stop them and crying about it just makes them bigger losers.

I see where the Bushies are discontinuing the use of the term "stay the course" as they scramble to come to grasp with the realities of the Iraq debacle and its political repercussions. They say they have always maintained a flexible approach to the war effort, which I presume, dovetails nicely with their overtly "flexible" approach to the truth.

Saw where Celtic, Sebastian Telfair, has been ruled out as a suspect in the shooting of the rapper Fabolous. That leaves as suspects the 2 or 3 million people upset with the messed up spelling of his name.

Saw D.L. Hughley on Leno last night and I realized I had forgotten what a funny guy he was after watching him get all serious on NBC's "Studio 60". That show trys to weave about 6 heavy subplots into each episode and in the process squeezes out any potential jokes.

The fall elections are upon and it's a foregone conclusion the the House will go Democrat and two key Senate races, Tennessee and Virginia look to be pivotal in whether the Dems can gain control of the Senate. Race is an issue in both states, with dynamic black candidate, Harold Ford trailng slightly in TN and James Webb trailing the "Macaca Man", George Allen, in Virginia. Only in America.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Get a grip....

Just a couple of things...

Heather Mills is said to have footage of Sir Paul knocking her around, further evidence of the glowing nature of their former union. Doesn't everyone tape their family arguments? Heather is obviously trying to add a couple of zeros to her severence check. When it comes time for Sir Paul to settle-up, hopefully we'll find Heather doesn't have a leg to stand on (sorry). We could have warned him early on...

I haven't seen the footage of insurgents in Iraq firing on U.S. troops (from their pov). In reaction to the airing of the footage, super-patriot Rep. Alan Hunter, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, asked the Pentagon to remove CNN reporters embedded with US combat units. Censorship is always the best way to protect our troops. I'm sure terrorists across America are the real audience for this footage not the American public in search of more evidence as to what's really going on in that desert rat-hole.

Madonna may go for two...Never one to hesitate or cut corners when she really wants something, her ladyship, Madonna has taken to snagging a gaggle of African babies. Whether it's banging a back-up dancer or corralling a new religion, Madge get's the job done.

Hillary should just announce her candidacy and get it over with before Bill blurts its out.

George Michael states that ganja keeps him sane. I'd hate to see him when he's off the weed.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The "Burn in Hellfire List"

In an effort to move away from all things positive...the "Collar" is launching a semi-weekly, "Burn in Hellfire List" to be used when needed, as a purging exercise.

This weeks storied group:

Bono - the pop political diva has taken his music publishing company out of Ireland and fled to the Netherlands to avoid Irish taxes on the band's royalties and to continue his fight against world poverty by further lining his own pockets. Ouch! Take that poverty.

Right-wing Radio Talk Demon and full-time blowhard, Michael Savage, who blames the gay community and it's "deathstyle" for spawning Mark Foley and his ilk. It must be getting very crowded in that Republican closet about now.

- saw his pompousness on Studio 60 last night playing a lute and warbling some of his warmed over tunes to promote an upcoming easy-listening project. (yes...that was the sound of toilets flushing around the world) Everyone knows a lute record is the final refuge of musical performers who have run out of energy and ideas and are yearning to join Rod Stewart in their grandmother's Itunes playlist. Rock on yoga-boy.

Karl Rove
- the cynical little political mastermind has managed to make a game of the fall elections even with daily Republican scandals. The little turd, who most days can be found in his office wrapped in Old Glory with a crucifix each hand plotting political shenanigans. The bigbald Bushinista has been aided greatly aided in his proganda efforts by a hyper-ventilating and incompetant Democratic Party.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - who says he has...inspirational links to God, and went on to say that if you were a true believer, God would show you miracles. The Iranian Incubus's utterances are scarily close to our own presidents musings on his messages and directives from upstairs. Great minds think alike.


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Studio 60 / Aaron Sorkin

Was trolling the Drudge Report and saw a call to arms by Townhall.com using the tv show, Studio 60 and its creator, Adam Sorkin, as catalysts to stir up God's foot soldiers against the "radical liberal agenda". Seems the Hollywood types just can't help discussing the censorship they have to deal with when producing a show about a show. Creative types may not be our best political spokespeople, with Ron Silver, Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon and Babwa Streisand emabarrassing thinking people with their puffed-up political prothelisizing but they needn't be censured. Broadcast television is based on the old survival of the fittest model. Get ratings, stay on the air...if America doesn't tune in you're gone. Good old American competition. I think people are getting tired of the Christian Right hijacking our political and social agenda. Utlimately I'd hope to have the option of deciding whether (and it's not) Studio 60 is funny or not and let those humorless flag wavers at Townhall.com go worship at the alter of Anne Coulter and the rest of her fascist, anti-America bomb throwers while they tune-in to Jerry Falwell and the other philandering, pulpit pounders on their own tv's...no humor there.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Fall TV Extravaganza

Some thoughts on this fall's TV offerings.

Studio 60 - how can a show about a comedy show have so few laughs? Good cast and lighting though...

Lost - leaves me Lost.

Nip/Tuck - horrible, depressing smutfest and I'm usually a sucker for that kind of thing.

The Wire - now we got something here. Gritty, authentic, street cinema where you need subtitles to know what the good people of Baltimore are spouting and to think it's Ed Burns baby and produced by a bunch of chubby white guys...bravo I say!

Shark - Just shows how star power can overcome cookie cutter casting, flacid writing and warmed over concept...Jimmy Woods leaves no scenery unchewed.

30 Rock - See Shark above. Tina Fey weak performance will ultimately kill this one, but my man Alec Baldwin shows you what comic timing is all about as he turns this lame script into comic gold.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

It's been a while...

Been posting on my "good kharma" blog and neglecting my mutant, ill behaved, firstborn, the "Collar". If anyone's reading...sorry.

A few notes:

Gotta love the Foley scandal and its many permutations.

The whole Republican gay-subculture is a fascinating. What are all these dudes doing working for the Nazi Right? They are the big story here. The evangelofascists are going to burp up some chunks just thinking about all that gay sex and stay homo on election day...

Saw some Republican Rep from North Carolina get reemed by the usually soft-tossing, Wolfe Blitzer, for spreading the tale that the Demon Dems had prior knowledge of Foley's naughty IM's and timed their release to have maximum impact the fall elections. The poor schmuck could site no evidence of the devious Demo plot. Sir I believe you highly overestimate the Dems capabilities and thought processes.

This is going to be another deal where the culprit, Foley, didn't actually break any laws (the pages were probably of age when he finally nailed them) but the cover-up did. Sweet.

Nobody cares about the innocent, little, affluent pages...huddled at their laptops scouring the internet for porn to call their own...

On another front...don't we seem to have hard evidence of WMD's in North Korea, quite unlike Iraq, and yet we blather on about NK and will probably follow through without so much as a good spanking...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The All Spin Zone...

I've always marvelled at the ability of rightwing talk radio and TV, Billy Bob O'Reilly and the like, to blather on an on about the lefto media bias, so...I have to admit I'm a little disappointed in their reaction to the Congressman Foley fiasco. The Drudge Report leads off with the giant headlines, "ABC Online Glitch Leads to Identity of Foley Accuser", not really English but takes a shot at the opposition and it has been up on Drudge for twelve long hours, an eternity in DrudgeVille. Drudge follows up with, "Famous IM Exchange Was With 18 Year Old", not bad when combined with "I was drunk at the time...", I was molested by the clergy, and that evangelical crowd pleaser, "I'm profoundly gay and capable of anything...". On the "Factor" Tuesday night the lower third on Foley identified him as (D-Fla) for the whole segment and that show is taped well in advance...with no oopsie we're sorry follow-up. Sean Hannity was on a group grope on Fox discussing "The Great Democratic Page Molestation Scandal of 1983", which I'm sure Sean remembers vividly from the headline in the New York Times which he quickly scanned in the 10 seconds or so his head was out from under the beer tap at that Beta Phi kegger back in the day. All in all, a rough week for the Republican Piety Party, family values and Instant Messaging. Oh, and by the way, there's this little civil war in Iraq going on...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

"Naughty emails..."

Presidential Press Secretary and former Fox News personality, Tony Snow, has characterized Congressman Mark Foley's creepy, purient emails to teenage pages as "naughty". Now my definition of "naughty" is Betty Page in a corset and heels not some middle-aged pedophile Instant Messaging unsuspecting 8th graders inquiring about what they're wearing while he twiddles his joy-stick. May they all go to jail...preferably Abu Ghraib.