Sunday, March 25, 2007

flesh eating bacteria

I give Bush 3 more days before he dumps his little dumpling, AG Gonzalez, and sends him off to a plush seat in some mega-corporation boardroom.

The Dems in the House showed a little moxie last week and went and woke G.W. up.

Iran plays a funny game of poker. This whole Brit kidapping thing may require exuming Ronnie Reagan or flying the aging Hank Kissinger to Tehran to trade some missiles for the Brit Marines. Come to think of it, Margaret Thatcher would have kicked some ass over this one.

The Yankees are down to Carl Pavano as there opening day starter at the Stadium. Oh the irony of it all. The headlines in the Post after Carl gets shelled will make me smile for a week. This one may finally put George S. in the Happy Rest Retirement facility where he belongs.

That Hillary bashing remake of the "1984" Apple vid was not done by some loser on a Sunday afternoon with his laptop. Money was spent. Who's money?

Barack is starting to wear on my nerves. He smiles more than Eddie Murphy. Wonder if he likes lady's shoes?

John Edwards just might have a shot.

Rudy's wife had an extra marriage this important?

John McCain is losing his momo or is it mojo. Just shows you that you can't play the game both ways. If McCain goes anymore midddle of the road he'll be standing in the median.

Monday, March 19, 2007


I'm a little confused. I hate G.W. but I'm having a hard time choosing from the remaining menu of presidential candidates.

Rank the airbags:

The Dems:

John Edwards, though far from a faggot, John is a little bit of a "fancy boy" so I'll have to see how he performs under fire. Let's call him a possibility.

Joey Biden. The man has disappeared from my tv set since calling Barack a nice clean black man. Rating - no chance.

Hillary. Not feeling any warm and fuzzy vibes off her Hilliness. She has plenty of luggage to carry around so stamina is a question. Is still viable in a female Michael Dukakis kind of way. Would vote for her against any Morman - a new category.

Barack. Nice marketing idea. I think I want a candidate with a little more meat on his political bones. Let's wait on him. There could be a complete ass-wipe of a politician under that stylish veneer. Waiting.

Dennis Kucinich - Does way too much singing and acting out to be a serious contender. Howard Dean required just one whoop to crash and burn his campaign.

That Gov. from New Mexico wants to legalize pot but since I can't remember his name maybe I should reconsider my position on pot visa vie my memory loss....

So maybe the Republicans have someone:

Rudy - I have always like Rudy. He got rid of the dangerous squeegy men and took the wild west aspect out of living in NYC. Can get a little autocratic, could easily deem himself the "divorcer" and has questionalble people skills. If elected he might put people like me in jail. A definite contender.

Mitt Romney - Morman, flip flopper on abortion, got elected in my birth state, looks good when standing still, is a Morman. Did I say he was a Morman. I think someone told him he looked a little like Ronnie Reagan and he took it as a compliment. No chance.

Johnny McCain - Once my independent thinking candidate, but that was an election ago. Like Hilly he has eroded his base by playing politics. A fading star.

So there I'm done and I'm no closer to a decision than before I started...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I'm just a little too slow...

Monday, March 05, 2007

Ralph Myerz - Nikita

Norwegian girly muscles and a tippy Ralph Myerz track. I present - Nikita -

I'm half Finnish you know.

Friday, March 02, 2007

waiting on the gyro-ball

I just know this is on everyone's mind, should we start putting tariffs on Chinese goods to protect our own manufacturing jobs and middle class? Free trade is a Reagan/Bush economic policy staple - but the playing field has changed. Walmart is pushing all this cheap Chinese crap at low "always on sale" prices to an American consumer who doesn't realize he's cutting his own economic throat. China already holds the mortgage on America, let's stop financing our own demise and start protecting our own workers. China can steal our designs, pour unadulterated sh%* into the environment and exploit the hell out its workforce so screw them. There, I am now an official protectionist, isolationist, libertarian, be it!

Now on to more vital issues of national importance...Manny is happy to be a Red Sock, write it down and file it for later review (say when he asks to be traded later today). Dice-K looks good and keeps smiling, so all is well in the Red Sox Nation.