Thursday, June 28, 2007

tastey small cakes


Michael Moore was going to be the lone guest on Larry King last night to promote his flick "Sicko" and discuss the health-care crisis - he got bumped by Paris Hilton...

Congress is moving toward acknowledging that global warming exists...Could someone rotate my organic yams on the solar cooker?

Live Earth's NJ concert set design will include 900 recycled tires imported from Australia and outfitted with low energy LEDs...just how far were those things shipped?

The Yankees are slowly sinking into the swamp of irrelevancy.

Anne Coulter is doing a really bad Buddy Hackett. I like nasty humor as much as the next individual but it starts with being funny...

On a related topic...Mr. John Edwards must learn that having his wife fight his battles doesn't buttress his "tough on terrorism" street cred.

Why can't I remember to take my reusable bag to the Food Emporium when I go to buy Cheetos? It's tough to change behaviors (see two party system).

Monday, June 18, 2007


I have to wonder why no one is complaining about the skyrocketing price of gasoline. Oil companies have this whole deal figured out. Get subsidies from the Federal government put it in the bank. Take some refineries off-line just when the summer driving season is starting...cha-ching. Make some vague burping sounds about alternative fuels and manage the oil and gas supplies to maximize profits. You'd almost think the current administration was on big-oil's payroll...America passively gets out the credit card.

Nobody really wants to pay for the fight against global warming...the G8 criticizes Bush but they play their own shell game. The economic impact of reducing emissions will undoubtedly slow the assimilation of any new energy technologies. Politicians never want to be the guy telling voters the bad news. In the case of alternative energy, the new economy and technologies that could emerge from implementing and developing alternative energy technology would almost certainly offset much of the economic downside of changing our energy gulping behavior.

(picture via

a video message to the rocket...

This video is a little long (much like Mr. Clemens career) but it has its moments. From Will Farrell's website.
I Wanna Pitch

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

b-day issues

I like this Ron Paul guy from Texas. This whole libertarian things has some merit.

Sox have lost something like 5 of 6 and I'm not really that paranoid...delusional maybe but paranoid...not so much.

Mr. Bush's approval rating is way below the Mendoza Line...

Anyone notice that we're still struggling with the whole "global warming" thing? The top guy at NASA seems to think the problem may not exist. He appears to be cut from the same cloth as Alberto Gonzalez and Mike Brown. Since when did party loyalty trump competence on a job application?

I love the whole Christian Law School concept.

I could get a fine meal and a massage with a 'happy ending' for what it costs me to fill-up my gas tank.

Damn Mitt Romney looks presidential. How much does he pay for a haircut?

The protection of small flying creatures from wind power turbines is a design issue, not a legislative one...

Gotta go. Paris Hilton just posted her daily prison diary update...

Friday, June 01, 2007

has anyone seen bobby bonds? I think barry ate him has a nice riff on Secret Scientologists, Beck my man...

Went to Mets game last night and a "We Hate Barry Bonds" meeting broke out. People love to kick a superstar when they think he's down (Barry doesn't acknowledge he has a problem). Also see Rodriguez - ARod - who seems to hit better on the road if you know what I mean...

Anybody seen John Edwards this week? Howz the hair look? Can this $400 haircut thing really decide a presidential election? $400 is a drop in the bucket in the context of $250 million dollar Bridges to Nowhere and $400 billion dollar wars...

Did Bill really cheat on Hillary? I mean really? Except for Obama who really cares?
Deep political analysis has revealed the pantsuits are more of an issue for me...

I love Rudy but why do I think he'll try to enforce some kind of a jay-walking ordinance in Bagdad as his first move to secure the Green Zone.

Red Sox looking pretty tasty. NYC may have to go to some group counselling kind of deal if the Yankee's plunge continues...

When will America wake up and just throw GW's ass out of office? Are we just this oblivious?

NYC's taxi fleet is going green. Ford hybrids. Like buying organic produce from Wal-Mart...oh that's been tried...

Somebody wake me when the NBA playoffs are over...

Let's get Al Gore into the presidential sweepstakes...there I said it.

Anybody seen my golf game?

Now that Dancing With the Stars is over I can get back to blogging...
