John is a look-good, feel-good kind of candidate. But one small wardrobe detail bothered me. Guys like Dick Nixon in his funeral-ready grey suit or George Bush in an Air Force jump suit (draft dodger) get away with a lot on the satorial front. But my man John just made the tiniest mistake that shed doubt on his campaign. While Barack gets all the media hype and Hillary wrings her hands overObama's candidacy, Edwards has a shot to be the candidate who is neither of them. Not black, female or the son of a former prez, just a smart, good looking, evolved southernboy. Wearing a nice royal blue shirt, not too fancy but showing a lot more fashion sense than say Gerald Ford bouncing head-first down a flight of stairs as he existed an airplane. It was obvious that Edwards was trying to get casual and connect on a genuine, rich-guy-meets-everyman level, the anti-John Kerry. Then he did this thing with the cuffs of his shirt. As he strode into position for his vital campaign kick-off speech I saw the blue shirt, the well coifed hair and then the cuffs... he didn't just roll them up like the Duke, John Wayne, or even disgraced Congressman, Randall "Duke" Cunningham, he did the one roll French cuff thing. Yikes! He was sporting the casual fancyboy look as opposed to the "let's roll-up our sleeves and get to work" blue-collar move I think he was going for. He added a flourish, a fancy "let's just chill at the polo match, flourish. Roll em'up like a man, not some hedge-fund guy from Greenwich relaxing at the spa or some dandy of an executive from Etee Lauder on an off-site. Now one little satorial faux pas has me questioning everything about this guy.