We're on a dial-up here at the luxurious bunker. Surrounded by woodchucks and awaiting my impending fate at their furry paws...I must quickly post these thoughts.
Ann Coulter appears to have committed a wee bit of plagiarism in her latest attack on civilisation, "Godless". The blonde rightwing hatchet-thrower whom every red-blooded liberal would like to bang, will obviously accuse the lefto, elitist press of having the knives out for her in reaction to her brilliant conservative analysis (not to mention they're jealous of her shoes or something else profound).
The Bosox have finished pummeling the National League and now will turn their attention back to spanking the old A.L...
Is it really only a matter of time before we do something stupid to Iran...I think North Korea is a less sexy (no oil) but more logical target of our "let's make the world safe from nuclear weapons" efforts.
Congress has two pathetic bills bouncing around to address the lobbying scandals creating by the Jack Abramoff case. Basically they will do nothing to control the situation but can say they tried.
Hope the Israelis find their man.
Is Brazil really out the World Cup?