Tuesday, February 27, 2007

postpartum depression

The Oscars went as planned. Forest Whitaker took best actor, leaving that quintessential thespian and moviestar, Peter O'Toole, without the best actor award he so richly deserves. If you saw "Venus" you'd know O'Toole wouldn't have won just to "give the big O to the guy who's about to die". The man gave a staggering performance.

Speaking of staggering performances...is Britney still in rehab?

Why is Al Gore not a viable presidential candidate? Hilly is too stern and has a big suitcase full of no-no's and Barack is, though a great concept, in reality an inexperienced first term senator fresh from the Illinois state legislature. Let Barack fill-out and put on some weight politically before we crown him king. Look out for John Edwards if he wins a couple of primaries. I put $2 on him in the Presidential Derby Futures wager.

How badly does commercial television suck? People now talk about their hi-def flat-panel tv's instead of what they watch. I feel like a beaten-down, eyes glazed over customer at Circuit City when people start professing the dominance of their home entertainment systems. Get a life.

Now I hear that the Iranians are plotting to blow-up NYC. Should I start packing or just wait for G.W. to bomb them back into the stoneage...didn't the war in Iraq get the same set-up back in 2002?

Dick Cheney left the country...somebody lock the door.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

oscar fizzle

best picture -The Departed, but it should be The Queen

best actor - peter o'toole (forest whitaker was a supporting actor in the very good Last King of Scotland) the rest, Leo, ryan gosling, and the horrible will smith are just not up to snuff.

best actress - helen mirren -no question.

supporting actor - alan arkin - non of the others can speak english

supporting actress - cate blanchett

best foreign language film - pans labrynth

Saw the disappointing Independent Spirit Awards, which are just the Dress Casual Oscars. Sarah Silverman air-porking her favorite cheese was the hightlight.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I think something's stuck to my shoe....

Guns have been drawn in the Democratic race for the presidential election. Obama's boy, David Geffen, trashed the Clintons and Barack failed to rein him in. On team Clinton, supporter Robert Ford, a state senator from South Carolina - questioned whether a black candidate like Barack might drag the whole party down with him in defeat. Senator Ford is black which further complicated this whole mess. Maybe we can call in Flav-O-Flav to cast a tie breaking vote on this one.

Saw the 'other' Howard Stern lieing on the stand today...can't we just put him in jail and avoid all legalize..oh I forgot, Court TV needs the programming.

Poor Britney is being driven insane by the paparazzi. I know if I had 30 or 40 mil I would see no reason not to drive myself down to the local Super Cuts for a trim. Why wouldn't I be able to zip over to the nearest tbodega for a 40 oz if I wanted one with every expectation of privacy? K-Fed is now the role model. Oye!

Dick Cheney is not satan. Just an everyday CEO.

Global warming is deforesting the top of my polar icecap.

Spring training has started. Somebody call Manny.

A-Rod and Derek are not sleeping together anymore. Just thought you'd like to know.

Monday, February 19, 2007

dandy warhols

Smoke it!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

winter bloom

Vladimir Putin is starting to aggravate me.

Oscar's coming up. How about Pans Labrynth for best picture? Probably gonna go with "The Queen" to take most stuff...Forest Whitaker will probably get Best Actor but he was really supporting in the "Last King..."

What happened to Britney Spears hair? She looks like a Hare Krishna guy I tripped over at LaGuardia Airport in May of '86'.

George Steinbrenner's son inlaw got busted for DWI which could change old George's succession plan. Didn't George get convicted of something back in the day?

Red Sox have some real possibilities this year unless Manny completely self-distructs and takes everyone else with him...

A-Rod will be leaving the Yankeros after this season. He has an opt-out thingamajig in his contract.

Should be an interesting presidential race. We now have in no particular order, a woman in bad pant suits, a black man with an Islamic name, a pro-choice Catholic stormtrooper, a libertarian pro-war reformer from Arizona, a tap dancing Morman from Massachusetts, and a vegan.

Quite a menu.

Do you know the vegan pictured above?

Friday, February 16, 2007

help desk

the politics of dancing

Al Gore just said he is not running.

I think I need another dose of Anna Nicole Smith news...another 36 hours, give-or-take, should do it. It'll give me something to watch while I work in the methlab.

Whatever happened to Condi Rice? Isn't she running for prez as the Republican Obama? Guess a little thing called war derailed that train...

Anybody watch the Grammys? How can the Chilli Peppers still be the most subversive act on the show? Those guys have a lot of kharma or something... The Police looked like they were each playing in a different band, sort of the anti-Chilli's. Talk about cashing in. Roxanne is now officially a crackhead street hoe...the Dixie Chicks, really? Anyone in NYC listening to the Dixie Chicks right now should jump in their car...or hijack the nearest cab and drive themselves directly into the East River...now!

Who's the biggest asshole in America...just wondering? Some of my ideas, Ted Haggard, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Jamie Fox, David Spade, Rush Limbaugh, Tony Snow or the guy who writes Studio 60...

Go Red Sox - go Big Papi

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


"the mercury craze" - nice animation and schizo track kinda like what the Tubes would be like if they weren't all dead.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Evilnine Crooked ft. Aesop Rock

animation and rap, hmmm...i'm working to change but time is running out...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

nansy pelosi's pimped out jet

So you're the leader of the dems in congress for the first time in years, clamoring for righteous change and one of the first things you do is ask for the biggest, most tricked-out military jet this side of dick cheney's ego to haul you and your posse back and forth to cali. Way to join hands with everyday americans Nancy, way to go. Of course Deny Hastert had the same jet when he was speaker but...

Diapers, divorce, love triangle and the space program. My heads spinning at the possibilities. I think I have an idea for an MTV reality show with Flav-o-Flav in a NASA jumpsuit with diapers on the outside and ladies catfighting weightless in a zero-gravity room...

Bushatola was praising his climate change record today. Yeah he didn't try to discredit all the science and ignore global warming while pissing on the Kyoto Protocol. I must of been watching too much PBS and not enough Fox News the last 6 years.

Maybe Hillary should start her makeover by moving toward flairs on the pantsuit front. Just a thought.


kingdom of doom

the good the bad and the queen cook up a brit-style stew in this vid...and they eat it too...remember waterloo sunset by the kinks...heaven

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

what the...?

That wigged-out jealous astronaut deal I posted on a couple of days ago is turning into a Cable-News-Anchor at the hog-trough pigout.

John Edwards is catching some heat from the Catholic League for employing anti-Catholic bloggers to spread his message...wonder if this story indicates the NYT's is backing Hilly and/or Obama?

We somehow lost 363 tons of cash, give or take a couple of tons, in Iraq. There must be more than a few enterprising Iraqui's with gold plated toilets that don't flush...

Rev Haggard is turned straight in just 3 weeks, hmmm...funny coincidence that Boston Legal ran a similar scenario in last night's show...

and in the most the most important story of the week thus, David Lee Roth is going to tour with a re-organized Van Halen...


supermassive blackhole

Muse gets out there and takes my old craggy tukhus with them...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

and out of the cold north.....

Scandanavia is where it's at. Ralph Myerz and the Jack Herren Band rock out.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Let me get this right....

So the Senate decided that a non-binding resolution criticizing the President's Iraq war policy was too harsh and was repudiated in a vote that failed to gain the 60 votes necessary to begin debate. Our brave public servants rise to support the American public once again.

A good news story from Orlando. Seems one of our female astronauts drove 1,200 miles in diapers (to prevent the need to stop) with various weapons and gizmos intent on kidnapping a younger woman who had designs on a verile male astronaut. Talk about radar love. Lisa Marie Nowak, 43, is charged with attempted kidnapping after spraying her rival with mace. The married mother of three described her relationship with the male space traveler as more than work and less than romantic. Hmmmm.....I'd post the link but blogger won't let me cut and paste...just go over Drudge and check it out.

Saw Joe Kennedy doing an ad for Citgo and the Venezuelan oil discount for American consumers. What's next, Jeb Bush offering us discounts on Cuban sugar, cigars and beachfront property?

It's ironic that with all the global warming headlines plastered across the papers here in NYC, this town is experiencing a record breaking cold snap. While walking in midtown today it was so cold I lost all feeling south of my equator.


who's running the world?

let jarvis tellya...oh the brits use the "c" word a little differently than we do, you'll get the idea...great track

Sunday, February 04, 2007

enough to get away - joseph arthur


da bears are feeble

Rex Grossman will not be quarterbacking da bears next year. Peyton Manning will indeed be making a film with Ashton Kutcher and maybe a seal or some form of monkee. Prince will sell a bunch of cd's because he kicked ass at half-time. I can't wait for spring training.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

back at the lava pit

I've been away from the Collar for awhile so expect some rust.

Let's rundown some topics:

Super Bowl - screw Peyton Manning. He's in way too many commercials. Let's call it the Paris Hilton effect. Next thing you know he'll be making a movie with Ashton Kutcher.

Joe Biden- I'm a little cranky this a.m. so lay off my man Joe. He's got the best plan for Iraq and actually knows where most of the countries in the world are located which qualifies him as our leading expert on foreign policy. If he had used the "clean" adjective in reference to Hillary C. maybe he would have skated on this one. If he's said something like "the clean lines of the Senator from New York's pantsuit set her apart from the other candidates on the dais" he'd still be a viable candidate.

Roger Clemens - retire already. Any team other than Houston that hires this guy is denegrating itself. He's the only major league ballplayer that makes his own hours. He's ruining my America, but that's another list.

Robert Dinero - The guy's now a director. His movies are getting better though long (The Good Shephard ) and Scorcese's are getting a little worse (The Departed) though long - I predict they will meet in the middle and merge. We don't need both of them.

Dick Cheney - Dickeroo is obviously suffering from something along the lines of irritated bowl syndrome or a similar affliction...maybe shingles or something. His infirmity is obviously compelling him to lashout - with the next obvious target being Iran. Can Congress stop this? Maybe get him a laxative or something. Send Scooter to the pharmacy right away. Just a thought.

Didn't get to:
Cartoon Channel (did those things actually look like bombs?)
Elliott Spitzer
Steve Mcqueen


Friday, February 02, 2007
